Monday, July 23, 2007
So blogging isn't for me...
I literally completely forgot I had a blog. Something or the other reminded me this morning so I decided to check it out. Lame. I think it's fair to say that it's not working. I'll leave it up though, in case I get some brilliant ideas in the future that I just have to share with the world.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Call me D-Dawg.
More than a month since I've posted an entry... I'm still not sure if I'm going to stick with this blog thing, and based on the number of recent posts I've made, I'm guessing I won't. We'll see.
The comment to my last post made me laugh. The comment points out that I should bend over backwards to make my wife happy after she essentially creates a problem in her mind. I'm not the one with the perception problem, so why would I kiss ass to make it go away? I know, that's how women expect it and men take the path of least resistance and do it, but I think it's silly. I haven't heard anything else about it so either it's over or she's quietly stewing over it and will blow up at some point in the future. My experience tells me that it's the former. Of course I've been wrong before.
Last night I was out with some friends and was introduced to someone who went by the name of "poom-jeezy." That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I wasn't able to avoid laughing at it. He didn't think it was funny at all, and was apparently completely serious about this being his name. I'd guess him to have been in his late twenties.
Here's a tip: If your "name" contains dawg, dog, jeezy, G or any of this silly shit, you're not anywhere near as cool as you think you are. Trust me on that one.
I can at least understand how a teenager might think this was cool, but I've met more than a few grown adults (35+) who still go by something-dawg. Funny stuff there.
The comment to my last post made me laugh. The comment points out that I should bend over backwards to make my wife happy after she essentially creates a problem in her mind. I'm not the one with the perception problem, so why would I kiss ass to make it go away? I know, that's how women expect it and men take the path of least resistance and do it, but I think it's silly. I haven't heard anything else about it so either it's over or she's quietly stewing over it and will blow up at some point in the future. My experience tells me that it's the former. Of course I've been wrong before.
Last night I was out with some friends and was introduced to someone who went by the name of "poom-jeezy." That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I wasn't able to avoid laughing at it. He didn't think it was funny at all, and was apparently completely serious about this being his name. I'd guess him to have been in his late twenties.
Here's a tip: If your "name" contains dawg, dog, jeezy, G or any of this silly shit, you're not anywhere near as cool as you think you are. Trust me on that one.
I can at least understand how a teenager might think this was cool, but I've met more than a few grown adults (35+) who still go by something-dawg. Funny stuff there.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
So I recently purchased a cheap old 40mpg used car to use to commute to work... doing my part to reduce dependency on foreign oil and all that. OK, really I just wanted to save money on fuel. Anyhow, the seller had forgotten one item when he dropped the car off, but assured me he'd drop it off later. Against my better judgement, I agreed. It's been nearly a week full of excuses and him dodging my calls now and still no go. Of course, I didn't get anything in writing, so I'm SOL. Not really a big deal, it's just the principal of the thing that bugs me.
I have a new boss at work. She's female and about my age. My wife, who has never been the jealous type, thinks she "wants me." Today, I got a card from my boss thanking me for some extra effort I put in at work recently and my wife is suspicious. It's a new policy throughout the corporation for management to make more of an effort to recognize employees and this is her effort. It's not doing much for my morale at the moment.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
I have a new boss at work. She's female and about my age. My wife, who has never been the jealous type, thinks she "wants me." Today, I got a card from my boss thanking me for some extra effort I put in at work recently and my wife is suspicious. It's a new policy throughout the corporation for management to make more of an effort to recognize employees and this is her effort. It's not doing much for my morale at the moment.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Perfume, body spray, whatever...
The office next to mine is occupied by a fifty-something year old woman. Nice lady, but she wears entirely too much perfume. Maybe it's some kind of body spray actually, since it sorta reminds me of Lysol when I breathe it in. She does this nearly daily, and almost as frequently asks me why my door is always closed. I don't have the heart to tell her that her smell makes me ill, but something has to be done.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Ratty Snark

I mentioned having the rattiest Snark in the world in my previous post, and I've been challenged on that. Frankly, based on the description that Carol Anne provided, I'm thinking I may have to concede, but I'll wait for her photo evidence before doing so. The courts may have to decide this one.
Cute kid, huh?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Holy Cow, someone (two someones) has actually read my blog!
As mentioned in my first post, this blog was created simply so I could comment on another blog. I'm starting to enjoy having it as a little place to vent random thoughts and whatnot. As far as I can tell, nobody is actually reading it, which isn't surprising since I never bothered to tell anyone about it.
Anyhow, I guess Tillerman noticed that I linked to his blog (how'd he know?) and mentioned my blog in his. Then today, someone left a comment. Surely they found their way here via Tillerman, given the subject matter of their blog.
Since Tillerman is interweb famous, I'll probably have the entire connected sailing community reading my blog in the next few days. Sorry for the complete lack of interesting content. I do have a sailboat (actually three if you count the project boat and the world's rattiest Snark) so hopefully when spring rolls around here in the Mid-Atlantic I'll actually have some sailing related content to post.
Thanks for stopping by.
Anyhow, I guess Tillerman noticed that I linked to his blog (how'd he know?) and mentioned my blog in his. Then today, someone left a comment. Surely they found their way here via Tillerman, given the subject matter of their blog.
Since Tillerman is interweb famous, I'll probably have the entire connected sailing community reading my blog in the next few days. Sorry for the complete lack of interesting content. I do have a sailboat (actually three if you count the project boat and the world's rattiest Snark) so hopefully when spring rolls around here in the Mid-Atlantic I'll actually have some sailing related content to post.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Stay at home parents
I can't fathom leaving one's children at daycare so both parents can work. Many (most?) kids in daycare who's parents work full time spend more of their time awake with the caregiver than they do their own parents. Think about that.
Now, I understand that for some people, there simply is no other option. In that case you have to do what you have to do and I respect that. For the person who claims that they have to work, but has a new car, fancy house, fancy clothes, big TV, cell phone, etc. I call bullshit, plain and simple. You care more about your image than you do your kids. Defend yourself all you want, but inside, you know the truth.
Now, I understand that for some people, there simply is no other option. In that case you have to do what you have to do and I respect that. For the person who claims that they have to work, but has a new car, fancy house, fancy clothes, big TV, cell phone, etc. I call bullshit, plain and simple. You care more about your image than you do your kids. Defend yourself all you want, but inside, you know the truth.