Monday, January 29, 2007

Holy Cow, someone (two someones) has actually read my blog!

As mentioned in my first post, this blog was created simply so I could comment on another blog. I'm starting to enjoy having it as a little place to vent random thoughts and whatnot. As far as I can tell, nobody is actually reading it, which isn't surprising since I never bothered to tell anyone about it.

Anyhow, I guess Tillerman noticed that I linked to his blog (how'd he know?) and mentioned my blog in his. Then today, someone left a comment. Surely they found their way here via Tillerman, given the subject matter of their blog.

Since Tillerman is interweb famous, I'll probably have the entire connected sailing community reading my blog in the next few days. Sorry for the complete lack of interesting content. I do have a sailboat (actually three if you count the project boat and the world's rattiest Snark) so hopefully when spring rolls around here in the Mid-Atlantic I'll actually have some sailing related content to post.

Thanks for stopping by.


Carol Anne said...

I'll challenge you on that bit about the "world's rattiest Snark" -- I have one that sometime in the past, its owner decided to coat with fiberglass, not realizing that the fiberglass resin would dissolve the styrofoam body of the Snark. And then some duct tape was applied to hold the boat together. Plus ours apparently belonged to some Evangelical sort in the past -- it has a Pentecostal descending dove limned in magic marker on the sail. I challenge you to a photographic duel. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

Of course, I do have boats other than the Snark.

Oh, and on "about me" -- technically, one uses "I" only for the subject of the sentence (which you did properly identify) or following a linking verb (that is, one that shows a state of being rather than an action) when the pronoun renames the subject of the sentence. All other situations would use "me," even if the verb in question is a form of "be."

doug said...

In my defense (?), I just copied the "about me" from somewhere... an online dictionary I think, but I don't recall which one.

Photo evidence of the ugly Snark is on the way, but I have to admit that I'm a little nervous after hearing your description. I may have the second rattiest Snark in the world.

EVK4 said...

Somehow Tillerman is able to read your post before you actually post it. Sometimes, his comments appear before your post hits the wire. He is an amazing amazing man. But be careful of him, he wields trememndous influence in the blogging world.